
Selected service system components and services are verified and validated to ensure correct service delivery.


Some service providers refer to all verification and validation as “testing.” However, in CMMI, “testing” is considered a specific method used for verification or validation. Verification and validation are described separately in this process area to ensure that both aspects are treated adequately.


Examples of verification methods include the following:
  • Inspections
  • Peer reviews
  • Audits
  • Walkthroughs
  • Analyses
  • Architecture evaluations
  • Simulations
  • Testing
  • Demonstrations
  • Continuous integration (i.e., Agile approach to identify integration issues early)


Examples of validation methods include the following:
  • Discussions with users, perhaps in the context of a formal review
  • Prototype demonstrations
  • Functional presentations (e.g., service delivery run-throughs, end-user interface demonstrations)
  • Pilots of training materials
  • Tests of services and service system components by end users and other relevant stakeholders
  • Cycle reviews for incremental development

Verification practices include verification preparation, conduct of verification, and identification of corrective action. Verification includes testing of the service system and selected service system components against all selected requirements, including existing service agreements, service requirements, and service system requirements.


Examples of service system components that may be verified and validated include the following:
  • People
  • Processes
  • Equipment
  • Software
  • Consumables

Validation demonstrates that the service system, as developed, will deliver services as intended. Verification addresses whether the service system properly reflects the specified requirements. In other words, verification ensures that “you built it right.” Validation ensures that “you built the right thing.”

Validation activities use approaches similar to verification (e.g., test, analysis, inspection, demonstration, simulation). These activities focus on ensuring the service system enables the delivery of services as intended in the expected delivery environment. End users and other relevant stakeholders are usually involved in validation activities. Both validation and verification activities often run concurrently and can use portions of the same environment. Validation and verification activities can take place repeatedly in multiple phases of the service system development process.


SSD.SP 3.1 Prepare for Verification and Validation
Establish and maintain an approach and an environment for verification and validation.
SSD.SP 3.2 Perform Peer Reviews
Perform peer reviews on selected service system components.
SSD.SP 3.3 Verify Selected Service System Components
Verify selected service system components against their specified requirements.
SSD.SP 3.4 Validate the Service System
Validate the service system to ensure that it is suitable for use in the intended delivery environment and meets stakeho…