
During a Sprint the Development team meets daily: the daily scrum. During the daily scrum the team stands before their visualized task board and checks progress, ensures it has the required information and jointly plans the the work for the next day. The daiy scrum is limited to 15 minutes and is held on the same moment and location.

During the standup each team member answers the following questions:

  • What did I finish since the previous standup?
  • What will I finish today?
  • Which impediments hinders me in my work?

Duration: 15 min


Während des Sprints trifft sich das Development team jeden Tag. Beim täglichen Scrum überprüft es Fortschritte, stellt den Informationsfluss sicher und plant den gemeinsamen Arbeitstag. Das tägliche Scrum ist eine Besprechung von maximal 15 Minuten und findet täglich zur gleichen Zeit am gleichen Ort statt. 

Während der Besprechung erklärt jedes Mitglied: 

  • Was wurde seit der letzten Besprechung erreicht?
  • Was wird vor der nächsten Besprechung erledigt?
  • Welche Hindernisse gibt es?

Zeitfenster: 15 min

Hints and Tips

The term "Scrum" originates in Rugby. It is the hustle in which the team, tighly joined, tries to grab the ball. In our daiy standup we refer to this as the team joinlty establish progress and next steps to achieve their committed work. 


For additional alignment with the Development team sometimes the Product Owner participats in the daily scrum. 

Is included in

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