
Playbook for SAFe

Every SAFe implementation is unique and complex - there is no standard blueprint and no fixed implementation path. But now the "wibas Playbook for SAFe®" is here. It's a collection of useful tools, best practices and fun simulations to get SAFe® up and running.

SAFe® tailored for you

By combining the wibas Playbook for SAFe® with our many years of experience in implementing SAFe®, you will achieve results quickly. Together we develop customized solutions that fit your company's needs. Let's start this exciting journey together. Believe us: it's really a lot of fun.

Play with us: the wibas Playbook for SAFe®.

We offer live play sessions with the wibas Playbook for SAFe®. We play on Miro and talk/chat on MS Teams. Your browser must support Miro and MS Teams to participate in the session. You can also use the MS Teams app for the MS Teams sessions. Please contact us, to schedule a session and learn more about the wibas Playbook for SAFe®.

Download and use toolkits

In the following section you will find links to download five of the Playbook's toolkits for free. Just send us an email to and you will receive an E-Mail with the password to open the downloaded Zip-Files and the instructions to start with the Toolkit. 

wibas Puzzle for SAFe® Events – understanding the two cadences and events of Essential SAFe®.

The goal of the game is to ensure that participants have internalized the Essential SAFe® cadences and events. After the game, participants will know the two cadences and the corresponding events including purpose, participants, frequency, duration, inputs and outputs. Download
wibas Puzzle for SAFe® Events

wibas Cadence Calendar – define the perfect event structure for your teams

The goal of the game is to jointly structure and define the SAFe® events for your organization. After playing the game, participants will have answers to questions such as "What kind of events do we need when implementing SAFe®?", "Who should participate in these events?", "When do these events take place?", or "What kind of dependencies exist between events and participants?". Download
wibas Cadence Calendar

wibas Collaboration Poker for SAFe® – achieving a common understanding of responsibilities

Collaboration between agile teams is key to successful value creation. When implementing SAFe®, it is often a challenge to align the responsibilities of all teams. Collaboration Poker provides a game-like approach to achieving a collective understanding of these shared responsibilities. The game is simple and allows teams to resolve potential conflicts in this complexity.

Download Collaboration Poker for SAFe

wibas Remote PI Planning

Do you want to do your next PI planning remotely? Then this toolkit is just right for you. We hope you enjoy successfully planning and executing your virtual big room planning.

wibas Kickoff for ART Launch

Are you facing the challenge of starting an Agile Release Train (ART) together with a product management team? This toolkit supports you to plan and execute your ART successfully. Download wibas Kickoff for ART Launch

David Croome

wibas GmbH

David Croome

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 503349-0