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Maltes talk on Scrum or Kanban – which is better?

Malte Foegen will give a talk on the subject Scrum or Kanban – which is better? on Wednesday evening, November 9 at the PMI Local Group Chapter Meeting in Darmstadt. The event will take place online and is free of charge. It starts at 7 pm and ends at 8:30 pm.

Scrum vs. Kanban - which framework will win?

Julia says Kanban is better than Scrum. Kanban starts with what teams are doing now and becomes better with incremental changes. Meetings can have different cadences. Work can be pulled item by item. Increments are independent of a cadence and can be delivered when they are done.

Malte says Scrum is better than Kanban. The Scrum Guide provides clear guidance on what it means to work agile. This clarity is helpful to make a switch to agile. Three roles help establish Scrum and improve adoption. Scrum addresses the human side with its values. 

Let's see how a Certified Scrum Trainer and a Kanban Trainer get along and who wins. Is it the timebox that wins or the flow? And can we get rid of the meetings, please?

Your contact person::

Malte Foegen

wibas GmbH

Malte Foegen

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt


+49 6151 5033490