
We want you to thrive in a complex and digital age.

As a management consultancy, we design agile organizations with our clients that thrive in a complex and digital age. We also support companies on their way with just the right change management. 

Your contact for your topics

Contact us or make an appointment directly. We are Timo Foegen, Yvonne Fischer, Tina Eisoldt, Daniel Votta and Lutz Koch. And we look forward to talking to you.

Our expertise.

Here you will find the topics around which our work with our customers currently revolves. These are topics for which we are experts and for which we can point to years of experience and achieved success.

Your contact: 

Tina Eisoldt

wibas GmbH

Tina Eisoldt

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 503349-0