
wibas at Inside Agile 2022

wibas will participate in this year's Inside Agile on May 3 and 4, 2022 under the theme "Agile Leadership - Agile Teams - Agile Companies".

We will participate with interesting presentations. See you soon!

The conference is designed for executives at all levels and asks the questions:

  • Which leadership style suits me and how can I develop as a leader?

  • How do I improve the work of self-organized teams and their collaboration?

  • What methods and ideas will help me make the entire company more agile?

Secure your ticket with our discount code

You want to be there? Then use this code 2022IA4PARTNER when registering and your ticket will be 20% cheaper.

Your contact person:

Jan Young

wibas GmbH

Jan Young

Otto-Hesse-Str. 19B

64293 Darmstadt

+49 6151 5033490